ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, is an international non-governmental organisation of heritage professionals engaged in the conservation of places of cultural heritage value and dedicated to the conservation of the world’s historic monuments and sites.  

The organisation was founded in 1965 following the adoption of the International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (the Venice Charter) the previous year.

It has its Secretariat in Paris and has National Committees in over 107 countries. The New Zealand National Committee (ICOMOS New Zealand /Te Mana O Nga Pouwhenua O Te Ao) was incorporated in 1987.

ICOMOS is UNESCO’s principal advisor in matters concerning the conservation and protection of historic monuments and sites.  It also advises the World Heritage Committee regarding the World Heritage Convention to which New Zealand is a signatory.

ICOMOS has established international specialist committees that are responsible for developing conservation theory and techniques in specific disciplines.  Each specialist committee brings together experts of international reputation.

The specialist committees are Archaeological Heritage Management, Cultural Tourism, Earth Structures, Economics of Conservation, Historic Gardens and Sites, Historic Towns, Inventories, Photogrammetry, Rock Art, Stained Glass, Stone, Training, Vernacular Architecture and Wood.

Mt Eden

ICOMOS New Zealand

Established in 1987, ICOMOS New Zealand/Te Mana o Nga Pouwhenua o Te Ao is a professional organisation for the support and advancement of individuals and organisations engaged in the conservation of places of cultural heritage value in New Zealand.

ICOMOS New Zealand publishes a quarterly online newsletter ICOMOS New Zealand News which keeps members up to date with developments in heritage buy topamax australia conservation at the national and international level, as well as providing details of conferences and training opportunities in the Pacific basin and further afield.

ICOMOS New Zealand has corresponding members to most ICOMOS international specialist committees.

The aims of ICOMOS New Zealand are:

  • To develop expertise amongst those engaged in cultural heritage conservation
  • To promote high professional standards of conservation
  • To promote and from time to time review the ICOMOS New Zealand Charter
  • To promote the identification and protection of World Heritage Sites in New Zealand
  • To circulate and promote heritage conservation information, including newsletters to members
  • To organise seminars and conferences
  • To admit as members of ICOMOS New Zealand individuals and institutions working professionally in New Zealand within the field of conservation
  • To create opportunities for the professional development of its members
  • To organise and promote the annual celebration of International Day for Monuments and Sites – the world heritage day.

NZ Charter

New Zealand Charter

For more information on the New Zealand Charter, and to access a downloadable pdf, click the button below.


Specialist Committees

  • ISCARSAH: International committee on Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage
  • ICAHM: International committee on Archaeological Heritage Management
  • ISCCL: International committee on Cultural Landscapes ICOMOS-IFLA
  • CIIC: International committee on Cultural Routes
  • ICTC: International committee on Cultural Tourism
  • ISCEAH: International committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage
  • ISEC: International committee on Economics of Conservation
  • ISCES: International committee on Energy and sustainability
  • IcoFort: International committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage
  • CIPA: International committee on Heritage Documentation
  • CIVVIH: International committee on Historic Towns and Villages
  • ICIP: International committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites
  • ICICH: International committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • ICLAFI: International committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues
  • ICMP: International committee on Mural (Wall) Painting
  • IPHC: International Polar Heritage Committee
  • ICORP: International committee on Risk Preparedness
  • CAR: International committee on Rock Art
  • ISCSBH: International committee on Shared Built Heritage
  • ISCV: International committee on Stained Glass
  • ISCS: International committee on Stone
  • Theophilos: International committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration
  • CIF: International committee on Training
  • ICUCH: International committee on Underwater Cultural Heritage
  • CIAV: International committee on Vernacular Architecture
  • IWC: International committee on Wood
  • ISC20C: International committee on 20th Century Heritage