ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand
Established in 1987, ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand/Te Mana o Nga Pouwhenua o Te Ao is a professional organisation for the support and advancement of individuals and organisations engaged in the conservation of places of cultural heritage value.
ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand is the New Zealand national committee of ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites. ICOMOS is an international non-governmental organisation of heritage professionals engaged in the conservation of places of cultural heritage value and dedicated to the conservation of the world’s historic monuments and sites.
The ICOMOS New Zealand Charter, Te Pumanawa o ICOMOS o Aotearoa Hei Tiaki I Nga Taonga Whenua Heke Iho o Nehe is a set of guidelines on cultural heritage conservation, widely used in the New Zealand heritage sector and a recognised benchmark for conservation standards and practice.

The ICOMOS New Zealand Charter is widely used set of guidelines on cultural heritage conservation, produced by ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand. The charter forms a recognised benchmark for conservation standards and practice. It is used by central government ministries and departments, by local bodies in district plans and heritage management, and by practitioners as guiding principles.
Member directory

Find members of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand who provide professional services relating to the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places.

Find out about ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand’s activities in our quarterly newsletter. Submissions for publication in the newsletter welcomed at news@icomos.org.nz

Find out about our travel scholarship and education fund for further education or professional development in subjects relevant to the conservation and management of New Zealand’s heritage.