Stacy Vallis (President) AUCKLAND

Stacy Vallis is a Lecturer in Architecture and Emerging Technologies at Huri Te Ao The School of Future Environments at Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Her research and teaching specialises in sustainable practices for disaster preparedness, retrofit, and adaptive reuse of historic buildings, driven by emerging digital technologies.
Stacy’s journey in the field of cultural heritage began as a volunteer at Alberton historic, while completing her undergraduate studies in architecture at the University of Auckland. Working as a university research assistant and as a graduate at Matthews and Matthews Architects inspired her interests in early traditions of brick-making, cultural landscapes, and disaster risk. She completed her doctoral thesis in 2019, focusing on conservation and seismic retrofit of New Zealand’s unreinforced masonry building precincts, and has worked in professional practice and research in Australia and Sweden before returning to New Zealand in 2023.
Stacy recently completed a term as an elected International Board Member of ICOMOS (2020-2023) and was the Focal Point of the International Emerging Professionals Working Group between 2017-2020. During this time, she also represented Emerging Professionals within the ICOMOS Climate Change and Heritage Working Group.
Stacy has served as a member of the Board of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand since 2016 and chaired the national Emerging Professionals network between 2017-2022.
Currently, she is an expert member of the International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH) and a member of CIPA Heritage Documentation.