Board Members
Stacy Vallis (President) AUCKLAND

Stacy Vallis is a Lecturer in Architecture and Emerging Technologies at Huri Te Ao The School of Future Environments at Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Her research and teaching specialises in sustainable practices for disaster preparedness, retrofit, and adaptive reuse of historic buildings, driven by emerging digital technologies.
Stacy’s journey in the field of cultural heritage began as a volunteer at Alberton historic, while completing her undergraduate studies in architecture at the University of Auckland. Working as a university research assistant and as a graduate at Matthews and Matthews Architects inspired her interests in early traditions of brick-making, cultural landscapes, and disaster risk. She completed her doctoral thesis in 2019, focusing on conservation and seismic retrofit of New Zealand’s unreinforced masonry building precincts, and has worked in professional practice and research in Australia and Sweden before returning to New Zealand in 2023.
Stacy recently completed a term as an elected International Board Member of ICOMOS (2020-2023) and was the Focal Point of the International Emerging Professionals Working Group between 2017-2020. During this time, she also represented Emerging Professionals within the ICOMOS Climate Change and Heritage Working Group.
Stacy has served as a member of the Board of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand since 2016 and chaired the national Emerging Professionals network between 2017-2022.
Currently, she is an expert member of the International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH) and a member of CIPA Heritage Documentation.
Mary O’Keeffe (Co-secretary) WELLINGTON

Mary is a self employed archaeologist based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington. She’s been a member of ICOMOS since 1991, and is a past chair and secretary. She has a particular interest in the ICOMOS New Zealand Charter, and in World Heritage.
Boris Bogdanovic (Vice-President) AUCKLAND

Originally from Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Boris grew up in New Zealand and graduated from the University of Auckland’s School of Architecture in 2007 with a B.A.S and B.Arch (Hons. 1st Class).
Starting his career in the United Kingdom, Boris’ professional work has focussed on historic buildings and cities. He specialises in conflict zone response and the preservation of heritage in Central Asia and the Middle East. Boris has presented his work and research at various universities around the world and is a recipient of several study awards. He is a member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC). From 2017 to 2022, Boris was the Director of Built Heritage for the Turquoise Mountain Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation founded by HM King Charles III. The foundation aims to regenerate historic areas and help communities with a rich cultural heritage revive traditional crafts to create jobs, skills, and a renewed sense of pride.
These days, Boris is happy to be living and working back in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland. Most recently he has been working for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and private architecture practice as well as pursuing his own projects and teaching at Unitec. He has a particular passion for Māori architecture and archaeology as well as researching the past of his own heritage, the history of the Dalmatian settlers of the late nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries in Tai Tokerau Northland.
Boris has been on the ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand Board since 2022 and became Vice-Chair in 2023.
Rachel Paschoalin (Co-secretary) CHRISTCHURCH

Rachel is a heritage professional specialising in the holistic assessment, conservation, restoration, and management of historic and heritage structures, taking into consideration the balance between both technical building assessments and cultural values.
She recently completed a PhD in Architecture at Victoria University of Wellington. Her research focused on holistic guidelines for renovating historic buildings towards less environmental impact, considering multiple criteria assessments such as energy use, carbon emissions and heritage significance.
Originally from Brazil, she has experience with different historic built environments, and post-graduate study in Historic Buildings Rehabilitation in Barcelona, Spain (2013) founded her interest in the conservation and preservation of historic structures. She worked for WSP and Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga as a Conservation Consultant/ Advisor.
Rachel has been on the Board of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand since 2022 and was appointed as Co-Secretary in 2023.
Tim Holmes (Treasurer) CHRISTCHURCH

Tim is an architect and heritage consultant with a broad experience of building types, both heritage and new. He recently left Warren and Mahoney where 8 years of practice saw him working as project architect and one of the heritage professionals working on the reinstatement of Christchurch Cathedral, as well as being involved in the Observatory hotel development at the Arts Centre of Christchurch and the seismic strengthening and refurbishment of Turnbull House for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.
Tim is currently working on a range of projects in various roles, from straight conservation architecture, through heritage consultancy and review, to expert witness work. His passion is in the human connection to the land and how we occupy it. Heritage and archaeology are one of many ways that hold stories of that connection and rewards avid curiosity and applied imagination.
Tim arrived in New Zealand 10 years ago from Guernsey in the Channel Islands and has been based in Ōtautahi since. He joined ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021 as an affiliate, became a full member in 2022 and joined the Board in October 2023, taking over from Gareth Wright as Treasurer.
Ian Bowman NELSON

Ian is principal of his built heritage practice based in Nelson with nationwide projects. The first New Zealander to complete a Master’s degree in building conservation, Ian has 40 years of combined architectural and built-heritage conservation experience in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
His built heritage projects include the conservation of the Auckland and Wellington Town Halls, Premier House, Government House and the Dunedin Lawcourts. He has advised 20 local and regional councils on heritage planning issues and has written numerous conservation plans.
He has published 3 books, won 24 NZIA design awards and the UNESCO Asia Pacific Award of Distinction. In association with Boffa Miskell, he won the NZPI Best Practice Strategic Planning and Guidance Award for the Wellington City Pre-1930s Character Area Review.
Ian is a founding member, past Chair and Secretary of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand. He is a member of the Bureau and Treasurer of ISCEAH and is a member of the ISCS. He is the chair of the Membership and Ethics Committee, co-chair of the ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand World Heritage Committee and is a member of the Legislative and Policy Committee.
Dr Susie Farminer (PhD Otago) DUNEDIN

Susie works as the Conservation Advisor for the Otago/Southland Area of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and was previously Heritage Advisor for Dunedin City Council and worked in private practice for Origin Consultants. She also lectures in architectural history at Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin.
She has a broad background in archaeology, buildings, planning and buildings/materials conservation which has served her well in specialising in conservation planning and heritage advisory work.
Susie has a passion for ceramic tiles and placemaking research (the latter her PhD focus) and is keen to encourage younger generations to develop their interest in building conservation and heritage. She joined the Board in 2023.
Dr Xavier Forde WELLINGTON

Dr Xavier Forde is of Raukawa, Ngāti Toa, and Irish descent and acquired a taste for radical politics growing up in France and Algeria, before finding his way back home and obtaining a doctorate in political philosophy. He spent many years supporting hapū and marae to obtain statutory recognition for their taonga places at Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, and followed on from Dean Whiting as chair of the Māori heritage committee and on the Board of ICOMOS in 2018. Xavier is now a principal adviser at the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, working across heritage-related agencies to support tribal projects that revitalise Māori traditional knowledge. He is also an adjunct senior research fellow at Te Kotahi Research Institute, University of Waikato, and is currently working on a Traditional Knowledge Labels pilot initiative with Ngā Hapū o Waimārama for their archaeological sites. Alongside Diane Menzies and others, Xavier is part of a global effort by indigenous heritage practitioners to change the processes of the world heritage convention, ICOMOS and other advisory bodies so that these would better meet the needs of First Nation peoples.
Renata Jadresin Milic AUCKLAND

Renata Jadresin Milic is Associate Professor in Architectural History and Theory, Architectural Design and Research Methods at the School of Architecture at Unitec Institute of Technology| Te Pukenga.
She is the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Discipline Leader, Master of Architecture (Professional) Conservation and Heritage Stream Leader in the School of Architecture, the founder of the Digital Heritage Research Centre, and a member of The Environmental Solutions Research Centre at Unitec.
Renata holds undergraduate and postgraduate architectural degrees, an MSc and a PhD in architectural history, theory and heritage. She explores the theory and practice of heritage conservation and adapting historic places, as well as incorporating new designs into heritage environments, both internationally and in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Renata has also led applied research projects involving community groups, industry partners, and students, utilising the most advanced digital heritage methodologies (3D laser scanning, photogrammetry, BIM).
Renata was an active member of the National Committee of ICOMOS Serbia from 2015 and joined ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021. Becoming a Board member in 2022, she has been a member of:
- Legislation and Policy Committee
- Advocacy and Communications Committee
- ICOMOS NZ Mentorship Programme and ICOMOS NZ Emerging Professional Involvement working groups
- ICOMOS NZ Strategic Plan (2023-2028) working group.
Laura Kellaway HAMILTON

Laura is based in the Waikato and is passionate about New Zealand’s heritage and helping communities to identify, protect and repair their special places. Laura has had a long involvement at community and planning level, with heritage work in the central North Island, identifying local and regional heritage.
Laura has worked in heritage since the 1980s as Heritage consultant and architect; and undertaken projects in Auckland, Christchurch, Bay of Plenty and Waikato. Involved in voluntary work and am also a Rapid Building assessor Emergency Management MBIE.
Since 1989 Laura has been an ICOMOS member and an ICOMOS Board member since 2013; current chair of the Education committee and Chair of Heritage at Risk committee.
Laura would love to see groups across the north and South Island wanting to hold talks or assist with webinars. She also thinks that heritage courses in New Zealand need more support, especially in the South Island.
Laura says that Heritage at Risk depends on a wide range of contacts to ensure a better ability to identify places at risk. She notes that is also needs a greater level of member and public interaction as we have gone from places to large areas and both coastal and climate based risks, along with ongoing demolition by neglect.
Anna Renton-Green, WELLINGTON

Anna is an emerging heritage professional working in Heritage Listing for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. Originally from the United Kingdom, she cultivated her interest in history and heritage by way of a Master’s degree in literature, studying in Stratford-upon-Avon, an area with a fascinating history and replete in rich heritage sites. As a result of her research thesis, she developed an enthusiasm for poking about in archives and uncovering random and obscure details about a range of equally random and obscure topics. Combining teaching with a side-gig as a school archivist, she now combines her research skills with a passion for telling the stories of place through the Heritage Listing process. She is particularly interested in widening public understanding of heritage through engagement with unrecorded and alternative histories connected with place.
As an ‘older’ emerging professional, Anna hopes that by joining the ICOMOS Board she can provide a voice for mid-life career changers entering the heritage industry
Chessa Stevens WELLINGTON

Chessa is a Conservation Architect specialising in assessment, preservation, restoration, management and maintenance planning for heritage and historic structures.
Her passion for heritage conservation has always driven her career goals, working for several years in New Zealand and registering as an architect with the NZRAB before undertaking a Masters in Conservation Studies (Historic Buildings) at the University of York, UK.
After returning to New Zealand, she established an independent heritage consultancy, and later joined WSP (formerly Opus International Consultants) as the company’s sole designated built heritage specialist, managing a national portfolio of projects. She has since built up a team of heritage experts across the motu in her role as WSP’s National Built Heritage Lead and Technical Principal. Through her own practice and partnership with Rare Buildings, Chessa also conserves, restores and adapts residential heritage.
Chessa has been on the Board of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand since 2016, and was Co-secretary from 2017 to 2023. She is a member of the Legislation & Policy Committee and is assisting with the development of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand’s first mentorship programme.