Anna Renton-Green, WELLINGTON
Anna is an emerging heritage professional working in Heritage Listing for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. Originally from the United Kingdom, she cultivated her interest in history and heritage by way of a Master’s degree in literature, studying in Stratford-upon-Avon, an area with a fascinating history and replete in rich heritage sites. As a result of her research thesis, she developed an enthusiasm for poking about in archives and uncovering random and obscure details about a range of equally random and obscure topics. Combining teaching with a side-gig as a school archivist, she now combines her research skills with a passion for telling the stories of place through the Heritage Listing process. She is particularly interested in widening public understanding of heritage through engagement with unrecorded and alternative histories connected with place.
As an ‘older’ emerging professional, Anna hopes that by joining the ICOMOS Board she can provide a voice for mid-life career changers entering the heritage industry