Submissions and letters
ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand makes formal submissions regarding legislation reviews, government policies and other pertinent issues. These submissions give heritage conservation a voice and are ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand’s opportunity to make a formal statement on the weaknesses and strengths of such legislation and policies, and to lobby for better heritage protection and management.
14 February 2020: submission to the Ministry for the Environment on the Urban Development Bill
3 February 2020: submission to the Ministry for the Environment on Transforming the resource management system: opportunities for change – Issues and options paper
3 February 2020: submission to the Ministry for the Environment on Reducing waste: A more effective landfill levy
18 May 2019: submission to Wellington City Council on Planning for Growth
1 November 2018: letter to Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage on the Karori Teacher’s Training College Campus, Wellington
Survey response
July 2018: response to the Ministry for Culture and Heritage survey on strengthening New Zealand’s protection system for heritage buildings.
14 May 2018: Letter to the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration on the ICOMOS New Zealand Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value.