ICOMOS New Zealand makes formal submissions regarding legislation reviews, government policies and other pertinent issues. These submissions give heritage conservation a voice and are ICOMOS New Zealand’s opportunity to make a formal statement on the weaknesses and strengths of such legislation and policies, and to lobby for better heritage protection and management.
Recent submissions include:
- 18 April: Submission to the Environment Select Committee on the Fast Track Approvals Bill
- 27 October: Submission to the Governance and Administration Committee on the Emergency Management Bill
- 14 October: submission to the Environment Committee Komiti Whiriwhiri Take Taiao Inquiry into climate adaptation
- 14 October: Submission to the Environment Committee Komiti Whiriwhiri Take Taiao Inquiry into seabed mining in New Zealand
- 15 May: submission to Waka Kotahi for the agency’s Heritage Policy and P45 Specification
- 6 April: submission to the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment on occupational regulation reforms in the building and construction sector
- 5 February: submission to the Environment Select Committee inquiries into the:
- 3 June: submission to the Ministry for the Environment on the draft National Adaptation Plan for responding to climate change risks
- 9 May: submission to Auckland Council on their preliminary response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) and the Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS)
- 10 March: letter to Penny Nelson, Director General, Department of Conservation
- 28 February: letter to Hon Kiri Allan, Minister of Conservation
- 16 November: submission to the Environment Committee on the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- 5 November: submission to Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage on the draft Policy for Government Management of Cultural Heritage
- 2 August: submission to the Environment Committee on the Inquiry on the Natural and Built Environments Bill: Parliamentary Paper
- 2 August: letter to the Ministry for the Environment, Environment Court and CCC heritage team regarding references to the ICOMOS New Zealand Charter in a Commissioner’s decision report on the reinstatement of the Christ Church Cathedral
- 30 July: submission on the Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD)
- 31 May: submission to Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum
- 30 October: submission to the Ministry of Health the Review of the Burial and Cremations Act and related legislation
- 5 October: submission on the Wellington City Council Draft Spatial Plan
- 20 June: submission to the Environment Committee on the Covid-19 Recovery (Fast Track Consenting) Bill
- 2 June: Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage’s reply
- 7 May: joint letter with with Historic Places Aotearoa to the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage on the COVID-19 Recovery and New Zealand Aotearoa’s heritage
- 14 February: submission to the Ministry for the Environment on the Urban Development Bill
- 3 February: submission to the Ministry for the Environment
on Transforming the resource management system: opportunities for change – Issues and options paper - 3 February: submission to the Ministry for the Environment on
Reducing waste: A more effective landfill levy
- 18 May: submission to Wellington City Council on Planning for Growth
- 1 November: letter to Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage on the Karori Teacher’s Training College Campus, Wellington
- submission to Ministry for the Environment on the draft first set of National Planning Standards
- July: response to the Ministry for Culture and Heritage survey on strengthening New Zealand’s protection system for heritage buildings
- 14 May: letter to the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration on the ICOMOS New Zealand Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value